Sunday, August 1, 2010


Let's just chalk this weekend up to suckiness.

I didn't gain any weight this week, but I stayed the same (5.5 lbs lost).
Some of the less than awesome choices I made:

*2 pieces of pizza
*egg & cheese biscuit
*a macaron
*homemade mac & cheese

This wasn't all in one sitting or even one day, but still....

I did however get in a good bit of exercise this week:

Tuesday:  Zumba (1 hr.)
Wednesday:  Running (30 min.) + push-ups, sit-ups & tricep dips
Thursday:  Zumba (1 hr.)
Saturday:  Zumba (1 hr.) plus walking around Portland and playing soccer with little ones

Weekends are always my pit fall.
Do you guys have any tricks for not falling off the wagon on weekends?  Please share!



  1. oh man, weekends kill me too! And even worse my past few weekends have extended all the way from Thursday evening - Sunday. It's a weight loss killer! Hoping someone has some good advice. The only way I can get through the weekends intact is if I don't go out at all - which is no fun!

  2. no tips. but enjoy your weekend, they're so fun. i ate way too much too and am trying to not feel guilty myself.

  3. Try an early morning walk with a friend -- it might help keep you in the right frame of mind for the day plus it's a fun thing to do!
    Am a first time visitor and new follower! I'd love for you to stop on by and follow too if you like :)

  4. That's really good exercise! :)
    Any tips?
    UHM. I don't really have any. I just try to eat consistantly and the only things I have to worry about on the weekend, is excessive calories from drinking :/
    Go to the gym early in the morning on Saturday, take a class, like weightlifting! That's hard, but fun, you'll feel accomplished and want to keep it up during the weekend.
